Due to condensation, moulds are likely to form on the curtains, whether it’s on the windows or curtains used for other purposes. When you notice any mould on the fabric on the curtains, the best reaction is to ensure that they’re removed as soon as possible. This is because when they stay on the fabric for too long, they’re likely to leave very stubborn stains that will prove extremely difficult to remove. Hence, it will require you to hire a very experienced cleaner to have it cleaned off your curtains and you’ll end up incurring unnecessary expenses. However, the first thing to consider for every fabric is any instructions labelled for what can be used for cleaning to avoid making an already bad situation worse. Here’s how to go about getting mould out of your curtains:
What you’ll need:
The basic things that we’ll need for this project include water, stain pre-treatment, lemon juice, OxiClean or oxygen bleach, laundry detergent, salt, ammonia and spoon.
Steps for Removing mould stains
Follow the following steps to get the mould from the curtains:
- The first thing to try out with cotton curtains is cleaning by washing through the regular laundry. This is because often, these materials are washable in a regular manner.
- If regular washing doesn’t work to help remove the stains out in the laundry, get them out of the washing machine. However, don’t allow them to dry at this point.
- Upon removal from the laundry machine, lay the curtains flat while moist to enable you to see all the areas with the stains.
- The fourth step involves mixing a paste of salt and lemon juice. Lemon juice is used here because it’s an acid that has the ability to break down the stain of the mould.
- Since this paste can affect the colouring of the curtain negatively, ensure that you test out a small area of the curtain first. The lemon juice may have a bleaching effect on certain fabrics used for curtains.
- Then, spread the paste over the areas that are stained and then allow for 15 to 30 minutes so that it can set.
- Once the paste has set well enough on the stain, scrape the stain away and then flush the stained area away with water.
- Next, take the curtain to the laundry machine again and wash it in the usual way.
- For linen and cotton fabrics, you can use the oxygen bleach. It’s important to make sure you don’t use chlorine in place of oxygen bleach.
- Mix water, a few drops of ammonia and powdered oxygen bleach and then test a small area on the curtain first.
- If the tested area shows no sign of bleaching the colouring of the curtain, go ahead and spread the paste of the whole area with the stain. Then, for 15 to 30 minutes allow the paste to set.
- To clean the paste out of the area, use clean water to flush it out and then follow it up with the regular laundering.
- To ensure that the stain has been completely removed, thoroughly check the fabric. For great results, it’s advisable to allow your curtain to air dry the initial time to allow for the checking of stains.
These 13 steps and tips are great for getting mould out of your curtains right at home without having to spend a lot of money paying for the services of professional cleaners. The products are also easy to prepare right at home. For more information on the topic, please contact us via our Contact Us page.
The post How to get mould out of curtains appeared first on Unidrape Blinds & Interiors.
source https://www.unidrape.co.uk/how-to-get-mould-out-of-curtains